Why Independent Bookstores Matter


Walking into a new local bookstore carries a magical feeling that can’t be replicated.

Walking into a new local bookstore carries a magical feeling that can’t be replicated. It’s reminiscent of being a young child in the library again. The smell of the pages, the cozy, inviting reading spaces, being surrounded by the massive shelves of books. It reminds me of why I fell in love with reading. The excitement of finding new places to explore, new characters to fall in love with, and immersing myself into a world unknown. While so many think of reading as a solitary activity, a love of reading has also given me a great sense of community. When you’re in a bookstore, you know you are among those that you share a common interest with. While combing through the same section of the bookstore with a stranger, you are now introduced to the possibility of a blossoming new friendship.

At Paper Leaves Bookshop, we have worked hard to create a comfortable space for book-lovers to enjoy the experience of finding you next literary adventure. When you come to shop with us, you are not only supporting our store, but pouring back into the community as well. Beyond the magic of small bookshops (which is reason enough for me, honestly), there are many reasons to shop at your local bookstore instead of with a big box corporation when you decide you’re ready to read a new book.


Money matters

Of course, you might be thinking that shopping at a small bookstore could end up costing you more money. While that may be true (we can’t quite compete with prices set by large stores such as Walmart or Target), shopping at local stores is only a small percentage higher and can do much better for the local economy. According to Civil Economics, independent retailers’ impact on the local economy far outweighs the impact of large retailers. When you spend money at an independent bookstore, about 48% of that revenue gets recirculated back into the local economy compared to only 14% at big box stores. This means that there is more tax revenue created for your city and that the owners of those stores are more likely to spend their money locally as well. At Paper Leaves, we are proud to support small businesses, especially the local stores. Beyond our books, we stock almost all our inventory from other small businesses. This helps them to thrive and for us to help cultivate a network of entrepreneurs that will put that money back into the community as well. Small businesses are also more likely to contribute to local charities and nonprofits than large corporations. Paper Leaves supports the local school districts with donations as well as special discounts for teachers and required reading. 

Building Connections

When you find yourself browsing the handmade shelves at Paper Leaves, you might notice that a stranger is scanning the same genre you are. Small bookstores offer a chance to make a connection with people who live nearby. In this situation, you already have something in common. One great way that Paper Leaves has been able to build personal connections in the community is through our book clubs. We have the Literary Ladies book club that meets once a month on the last Sunday. These women get together to discuss the book of the month and build friendships as they discover a connection through a love of the same books. There is also a book club for younger readers, or those just young at heart, for the Young Adult genre novels. Shelf Awareness meets every last Saturday of the month. A book club for elementary-aged children will also be coming soon! In addition to these clubs, there are numerous events that are happening all the time. From children’s readings to pop-up shops, to craft and game nights, there is something for everyone at Paper Leaves.

Local Authors

Because we get to choose the books that we place on our shelves, we have the incredible opportunity to provide a place to showcase our local talent. At Paper Leaves, we love to show off our local authors with a place on our shelves to sell their books. We have had the pleasure of selling a variety of local authors' work, from children’s books to non-fiction, to novels. We are so proud to support these hardworking individuals in their endeavors. Ask our shopkeepers about local authors next time you stop in and you might find a new favorite! 

     Independent bookstores can play a large role in the community, offering free events, incredible new products, and a comforting place to find the next book to take you away on adventures unknown. Whether you have come in looking for a new read or a new houseplant to brighten up your home, we are happy to see you at Paper Leaves. We hope that you come in looking for something to purchase and leave having found new connections, friendships, and a cozy place to hide away. We understand that spending extra to shop local is a privilege that not everyone has, but we would love to have everyone as a part of our book-loving community. 

Written by Katherine Elsey


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